Caffeine Tracker 1.4.4 Apk for Android

The description of Caffeine Tracker

Tracks your current level of caffeine.

Simply record each drink you consume. Accounts for the natural metabolism of the caffeine in each
drink over time.

Recent updates:
* Easily record other doses by mg quantity (caffeine tablets, e.g.)
* New setting for 24 or 12 hour time display
* Other stability and bug fix improvements

Pie chart colors show following:
green = caffeine in your bloodstream (this is the stuff you feel!)
blue = caffeine consumed, but not yet absorbed into bloodstream
red = caffeine consumed and absorbed, but metabolized from your bloodstream

Feel free to rate as you see fit, but please suggest features and bug fixes via email to:

* Set your desired caffeine zone with notifications!
* Charts!
* Share to your caffeine level
* Display drink sizes in oz. or ml.
* Add custom drinks
* Export data to CSV and send as attachment via email (or save to Google Drive)
* Caffeine metabolism algorithm takes into account factors such as: pregnancy, and use of oral contraceptives
* Customize intake ramp up period
* Easily record other doses by mg quantity (caffeine tablets, e.g.)
* Display times with 24 or 12 hour format


What's news

* Fix bug: rare crash on add intake
* Enter custom caffeine intakes by mg quantity!
* New setting for 24 or 12 hour time display
* Other stability and bug fix improvements

Download Caffeine Tracker mod apk

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